Conservation Education
Raising the environmental literacy of thousands of people on both sides of the Chesapeake Bay through support of environmental education and activities

National Audubon Society is a grassroots network that spans the continent. Chesapeake Audubon Society enables people to meet and share an appreciation of their common interests in their community. We create a culture of conservation in local communities through support of education, science and advocacy efforts, focusing on the conservation of birds, other wildlife and conservation of important habitats, including:
We do this by:
Owning and Operating Pickering Creek Audubon Center in Easton, MD on Maryland’s Eastern Shore. 400+ acres of field, wetland, forest and waterfront invite over 13,000 contacts each year to engage with nature, programming and on the ground conservation efforts. To leanr more, visit
Supporting the efforts of Patterson Park Audubon Center in Baltimore City. Audubon Mid-Atlantic’s Maryland Audubon Center. To learn more, visit